Navigating Social Media: A Roadmap for Financial Advisors

  • May 9, 2024

What do these all have in common?

  • Drive from Charlotte to Asheville, NC
  • The first set of a Grateful Dead concert
  • A Charlotte FC Soccer game
  • The average daily social media activity time for an adult1

The answer: They all take about 2 hours and 8 minutes!

The Warm-Up

Embracing social media marketing isn’t just for the younger crowd anymore; it’s become a universal tool for connection and growth. If you’re not currently focusing on social media marketing, now’s the perfect time to jump on board. Let’s explore why adopting a social-minded strategy is crucial and how you can integrate it seamlessly into your business.

So, what exactly is social-minded marketing? It’s all about meeting your clients and prospects where they are: online. Instead of treating social media as an afterthought, it becomes the centerpiece of your marketing efforts. But where do you start?

I use and coach the ECHO formula: Exist, Connect, Hear, Offer. 

Be present in relevant social media

Know your audience inside and out. Get specific about who you’re targeting, including their demographics, pain points, and social media habits. The more you know, the better you can tailor your content to resonate with them.

Review and revamp your social profiles. Think of your social media profile as your digital home. Just like you tidy up before guests arrive, optimize your profiles, photos and content to make a strong impression on visitors.

The Social Media Roadmap for Financial Advisors
Add relevant connections to your social ecosystem

Connections aren’t just numbers on a screen—they’re the lifeblood of opportunity. Growing your social media connections isn’t just about boosting your follower count; it’s about expanding your network, opening doors, and seizing opportunities you never knew existed.

Think of it as diversifying your portfolio, but instead of stocks and bonds, you’re investing in relationships. So, put on your networking hat, sharpen those digital business cards, and get ready to grow your social sphere.

Find mutual connections, target individuals in your market, and focus on engaging them. Prioritize quality over quantity to build meaningful connections that can lead to business growth.

Listen and engage with your audience

I once worked with an advisor who booked 15 minutes two times per day to read through their social media newsfeeds. They weren’t falling victim to doom-scrolling. Instead, they saw it as an opportunity to stay current with their clients, prospects and Centers of Influence (COI’s). This advisor saw a top client was on an anniversary trip to Hawaii because they posted a photo online with the hotel’s name prominently displayed. The advisor called the hotel and had a bottle of champagne sent to the hotel. This personal touch not only delighted the client, but also strengthened the advisor-client relationship. Social media is also a great indicator of money in motion: new jobs, marital changes, family expansions and more.

By engaging with your audience, you’re not only showcasing your expertise but also demonstrating your commitment to meeting their needs. Social media serves as a modern-day water cooler where conversations happen, opinions are formed, and relationships are built. So, don’t just post and pray—listen, engage, and watch your online presence flourish.

Educate and entertain your audience so they know, like, and trust you

Create diverse content that speaks to your audience. Mix it up with infographics, videos, interviews, and personal stories to keep things interesting and your audience engaged. The more visual, the better. Be authentic and let them see the person behind the desk.

Craft a social media mission statement to set clear goals and define your purpose. Whether it’s connecting with clients or establishing yourself as a thought leader, having a mission will keep you focused and on track.

One of the biggest success blockers I have seen is consistency. Consistency is crucial for success. Stay organized with a content calendar to plan your posts in advance and establish themes to keep your content consistent and engaging. Remember to repurpose successful content for maximum impact.

The Cool Down

Remember, social media activity is like fitness. It requires consistent effort to see results. Start by subscribing to an automated campaign solution at a minimum, much like taking a walk around your neighborhood. If you want elite results, you must be willing to invest time and effort.  Just as you wouldn’t expect to run a marathon after your first jog, building a strong social media presence takes time and dedication..  With a social-focused approach, you’ll be well on your way to growing your business and connecting with your audience like never before.

Let’s work together to prioritize your social and help propel your business forward!

  1. Pew Research Center – Social Media Fact Sheet ↩︎