Services to grow your practice.

At IAA, we offer a range of tailored services designed to fuel the growth of your business. Whether you want to add to your team, enhance your online presence, generate leads, or optimize your client acquisition strategies, our team is here to help you succeed.

Our marketing team assists you in attracting new clients and differentiating your practice. Whether you are wanting to refresh your brand or build an entirely new one, we’re here to help.

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Sage Insurance Partners (IAA’s insurance program) strengthens your insurance offering by providing a supervision and case management process.

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Business Development & Recruiting

Our BD team helps identify and nurture opportunities for growth and expansion, including assistance in overcoming challenges related to finding skilled talent with financial services expertise.

M&A and Succession Planning

Whether you need help spotting the right opportunity at the right time or protecting your legacy, we’re here to help you plan for the future of your practice.